The Control Conference is designed to bring men together of all ages (13 & up) to explore how they can take control of their lives by surrendering to God and building a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Produce believers who are doctrinally sound, spiritually mature, culturally relevant and evangelistically engaged for the cause of Christ Jesus.
Seek the Lost
Strengthen the Weak
Serve the Poor
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Worship Service Facebook LIVE
Sunday @ 2:30p.m. – 4:00p.m.
TV Channels 13/33/122
Monday – Friday @ 9p.m. – 10p.m.
Praise 96.5 FM
Sunday @ 7:30a.m. – 8:00a.m.
Bible Study (On-site)
Wednesday @ 6:30p.m. – 7:30p.m.
2938 Lower Wetumpka Road, Montgomery, Alabama 36110